Veride bvba is specialized in creating custom high performance water treatment and purification systems for mid-sized companies. From designing to full exploitation, Veride can provide a high quality service to it’s specific customer needs. HydRO is our fully automated, plug-and-play, mobile purification system.

Veride bvba is gespecialiseerd in het bouwen van hoge performantie waterbehandelings- en zuiveringssystemen voor middelgrote bedrijven. Van ontwerp tot volledige exploitatie, Veride kan steeds een hoogwaardige dienst verlenen op maat van de klant. HydRO is ons volledig geautomatiseerd, plug-and-play, mobiel zuiveringssysteem.

Veride bvba HydRO systeem systemen

waterzuivering waterzuiveringsinstallatie waterbehandeling afvalwaterzuivering afvalwater lozing norm techniek technologie compact performant kwaliteit rendement mobiel all-in debiet

ontijzering ontharding filter zeef buffer desinfectie ketelwaterbehandeling warmte recuperatie bedrijf bedrijven hergebruik proceswater drinkwater recuperatie drinkwater ontwerp 3D op maat bouw onderhoud contract exploitatie beheer automatisatie remote control modulair verbetering zuinig duurzaam

brouwerij wasserij slachthuis aardappel producent voeding productie

flotatie DAF omgekeerde osmose RO membraanbioreactor membraan bioreactor MBR ultrafiltratie

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Designs for industrial and municipal waste water installations, with total capacities for processing from 1 to 500 m³/h. The designs are always tailor-made for the customer and are made with specific and already proven technology. Designs are developed along with the costumers desires and open to improvement during the project to the final product with seamless architectural integration in mind.

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HydRO for laundries

HydRO for laundries is the compact and high performance water purification and reuse system. This system is fully automated and is offered in a mobile edition on demand. Visit our specialised page for more information.

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Exploitation Services

Full exploitation of any water treatment installation is performed by our specialised team in both process control and technical maintenance. We offer you maximum services with our remote controled systems and on site interventions 7/7d and 24/24h. We can also deliver various kinds of chemicals needed in the treatment process.

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About Veride

As an international player specialized in the design and management of environmental installations, VERIDE is your go-to partner for water reuse. With a young team of professionals driven by their passion for biology and chemistry we are committed to provide the right solutions to the various challenges you are facing. Assisted by 3D designers and technical staff we distinguish ourselves by our outstanding designs using latest technology in combination with own-developed equipment (HydRO) and with a focus on integrated architecture.

The choice for sustainable materials and state of the art appliances makes our design installations unique and tailored to the specific needs of your industry and long term strategic plans.