
WWTP exploitation
WWTP exploitation process control

Process Control

A contract for process control can be obtained so we regularly visit the treatment system on site to take samples to both analytically and visually check every process keeps performing optimally. We also remotely control your system in between the times of visit to keep tweaking it so it keeps performing optimally. This way a costumer grows a better trust of performance in the treatment system and the water purity results by leaving this task to Veride.

WWTP exploitation technical maintenance

Technical Maintenance

A contract for technical maintenance can be obtained so we perform regular maintenance on all equipment in your water treatment installation. This is done by preventive maintenance and replacements, oiling parts, visual checks, control measurements, etc. In case of an emergency breakdown we make quick work of replacements or if necessary temporary back-up solutions. We are available for interventions 24/7. We keep a log of all parts, so a stock of spare parts can be assembled.


We select the best and most suitable chemicals to keep your system running optimally. We do this for both pre-treatment systems, in-place-cleaning and conditioning of MBR and RO, as well as all specifically needed extra nutrients for the biological system.

A non-restrictive list of example chemicals we can deliver to your needs (including tests for optimal selection):

  • Coagulants
  • Polymers
  • Biological nutrients such as sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, additional BOD, trace elements, …
  • Anti-foaming agents
  • All RO needs such as anti-scalants, oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocides, acid and caustic CIP chemicals
  • Several MBR CIP solutions
  • Any tailor-made compound according to your specific needs

Full WWTP Exploitation

Full WWTP exploitation of any water treatment installation is performed by our specialised team in both process control and technical maintenance. We offer you maximum services with our remote controled systems and on site interventions 24/7. We can also deliver various kinds of chemicals needed in the treatment process.